Orlando WordCamp December 1, 2012 Tickets Now On Sale – Limited Supply

We have just released out first batch of WordCamp tickets.

The event is being held at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management UCF (just off International Drive next to the Rosen Resort Shingle Creek).

Beginners, geeks, nerds, coders, business owners, designers, plugin gurus, theme developers and just plain curious all welcome.

For $20 you get:

  1. An action packed learning schedule
  2. Some of the best authorities on WordPress and respective areas
  3. Advance Track and Novice track sessions all day
  4. Smart Desk of WP developers to answer all your questions
  5. Jobs board – looking for a developer or for developers looking for work
  6. The networking event for Orlando WordPress – Networking Session
  7. SWAG – Cool T shirts, buttons, giveaways etc.
  8. Lunch
  9. Drinks afterwards

Could this be the best $20 you ever spend?

The tickets will be sold in batches of 100 per month in the run up to the event to help control demand.

Please begin to Tweet and Facebook the event to start getting the word out.

We have secured several great sponsors and are always looking for more so if you want to help the WordPress community let me know.

“Education levels the playing field” Harris Rosen

About david wolfpaw

Account has migrated to https://profiles.wordpress.org/wolfpaw/
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2 Responses to “Orlando WordCamp December 1, 2012 Tickets Now On Sale – Limited Supply

  1. FeFe says:

    Are there still tickets left for this workshop?