Olivia Skrzypek

Olivia Skrzypek

Energetic, intelligent, fast learning and devoted… Those are just a few words to describe Olivia. She is very passionate about learning and exploring new things, is very motivated, and not afraid to take new challenges.

She worked for a large corporation for 12 years. It was okay, but Olivia always felt like she was missing something. Her husband worked from home as a Freelancer at the time, and every day when she had to leave for work and saw him in his pajamas by the computer, drinking his coffee and listening to the music – she was simply jealous. One day she just decided to do something about it.

Olivia decided to start her own company and ever since then she has been working as a Web Designer and Search Engine Optimization consultant. She loves working with different businesses and helping them their business endeavor.

Olivia’s keys to success are good time management and organization.


WordCamp Orlando 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!