Aida Correa

Aida Correa

Aida Correa, a self-described Renaissance woman, is an artist, writer, poet, designer, teacher and very recently, a regular WordCamp attendee, volunteer, and speaker.

A former New Yorker, she moved to Jacksonville to pursue her dream of becoming an artist. She’s the owner of LoveBuilt Life LLC, an Arts and Creative Lifestyle company, where she teaches arts, crafts and the art of creative living. As her “side hustle” she creates WordPress websites for start-ups on a budget.

WordCamp Miami 2018, was her first foray into the world of WordCamp and she went in head first – she volunteered, was a room MC and was a co-speaker with her boyfriend. At WordCamp Jacksonville, she volunteered in the KidsCamp and her company was a sponsor. At WordCamp Atlanta, she decided to try just being an “attendee” but quickly learned she likes to be involved. She was chosen to speak to WordCamp Birmingham and plans to continue being an active participant in WordCamps.

She enjoys spending time with her kids, grandkids and her loving boyfriend who introduced her to the world of WordCamp in the first place.

She also has a thing for Wapuu.


WordCamp Orlando 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!