You’ve been hacked! Now what?

WordPress sites are one of the most attractive targets for cybercriminals, and every day millions of attacks take place against websites large and small. A lot has been said about how to protect WordPress from malicious users, but few people understand what to do when hackers get in.

When your website gets hacked, PANIC is a natural first response. Then comes a wave of questions: Why me? Why my site? How did they get in? Should I try to fix this myself, or hire an expert? Whether I hire someone or go the DIY route, what does the process involve? Do I need to notify my customers…or the police? What could I have done to prevent this, or at least be better prepared for it? Yes, handling a hacked website can be stressful and confusing, but this talk will help you navigate the sea of questions and get your site back online. And if you haven’t been hacked (yet!), this talk will give you guidance for developing an incident response plan.


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